SECOND ACT with new cover is live!!! Hurray🥂!
Tuesday, November 17, 2020 was a mighty big day in the publishing world. Why, you ask? Because it was the official publication day of both President Obama’s new book and of mine! Which one is better? Impossible to say. They were both skillfully and lovingly crafted and meant to absorb the reader’s attention. Which one will you learn from? Both, I confidently affirm. Which one will entice you to curl up in a comfy chair with a cup of hot chocolate or a glass of wine? MINE! Which one is shorter, and thus less likely to hurt your wrists? MINE! Which one costs more? HIS!
Want a little taste of the magic? Check out this amazing trailer:
Just as Margot Johnson, beloved prima ballerina of the Empire Ballet, is about to take the final curtsy of her career, her partner, Yuri, collapses on stage. Who has killed him, and why? Detective Frank Sutton is determined to get to the bottom of the ever-widening waves of violence that are subsuming the dance company, and the stunning and fascinating Margot turns out to be an unexpected source of insight. But as Frank comes to care more and more for the retiring but oddly still young ballerina, he must quickly determine if he is falling for a murderer, or if a killer is gunning for the woman he is coming to love.
Pick up your copy of SECOND ACT today and enjoy the romantic suspense!
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